Elves in the hawthorn hedge

              The Elves in the Hawthorn Hedge.
I don't know how true this story is, but I'll tell it to you anyway,
it was told to me by my Granddad when we were sitting on a stack of hay.
He said he was working in a field, trimming a hawthorn hedge,
when he came across a family of elves, tucking into hot meat and veg.
They were sitting on toadstools around a sawn off stump; that someone had sawn off long ago.
Granddad said he would not have seen them if he hadn't stooped down real low.
They wore leaf green pointed hats and grass green clothes.
and mud brown boots that turned up at the toes.
"Oh," said Granddad, "I'm sorry to disturb you, I didn't mean to be rude,
I hope I didn't startle you, or put you off your food."
The largest of them; who was six inches small, said,
"Jesus, ti's alright, well not at all. Would you like to join us in a bite to eat?
We have carrots and tatties and freshly cooked meet."
"Well thank you," said Granddad, "That's kind of you."
The Elf pointed to a log, and said, "Pull up a pew."
They gave him a bowl, that had been carved out of wood,
with fancy designs on, that Granddad thought were quite good.
Written in fancy writing were the words giant size.
Because Granddad was a giant when seen through their eyes.
They filled the bowl right up to the brim,
and gave him a fork, saying, "Here you are, get stuck in."
They told him they'd seen him working hard every day,
trimming hedges and digging ditches in wet sticky clay.
"Have You?" asked Granddad, "I didn't know,
I wouldn't have seen you if I had not stooped really low."
They told him that there weren't many giants' who knew they were around,
as we wear green clothes and brown boots we blend in with the ground.
I have searched and I have searched in that hedgerow myself,
but I've never spotted even one elf.
Yet, hundreds of people say they've seen them too;
plus there's an elf spotters club, so I suppose it is true.

The Gnome Home. >

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