
Showing posts from June 7, 2013

The Dodo Hunter.

There was a Dodo hunter, a man of guile and stealth. BUT! He could not find a dodo, it began to effect his wealth. He went into the Job Centre to register for work; 'As a Dodo hunter?' The clerk asked, 'get out of here you burk'! 'Look!' says he,  'I would like some more respect!  I'm not lazy,  I'll work,  and never, ever,  be kept! It's work I want,  and work I'll get,  in the job I knows...' The Clerk looked up, astonished, 'here's a job, shooting nuisance crows.' 'Crows!' he yelled, 'I want a challenge; Dodo's are MY game.' Crows are easy, they come so close, they may as well be tame!' 'Have you ever seen a Dodo?' the puzzled desk clerk asked. 'I only glimpsed one... that is the challenge; makes my job a difficult task.' 'Well I have to tell you sir, Dodo's are extinct-' '-No they're  not-' '-Yes they are!'- ...