Jobs Worth s. (A part of a sitcom that I have written. Also read my story The Diary of a Jobsworth)
SCENE 2. Ext. Bog road car park.- day1. [11.00hrs] The scruffy Looking Billy-Pegleg- Buffham limps around the car park. SCENE 3. int. cruising unmarked police car.- day 1. [ hrs] Detective sergeant Keenan: Hold it there Constable, what’s he up to? Detective Constable Dickens: Who Sergeant? Ah, I see him, you mean that scruffy looking bloke with the woolly hat on? Detective sergeant Keenan: Yeah, stop the car constable. Detective Constable Dickens parks the car in the kerbside opposite the car park. detective sergeant keenen steps out the car. Cut to: SCENE 4. ext. bog road car park-day1 [11.20 hrs] Detective Sergeant Keenan circles around the car park until he is in a position to observe Billy Buffham from behind the car park ticket machine. billy finds a car without a ticket on the windscreen and is about to take his pen out of his pocket when the sergea...