Music to your ears... Through the years

Rock and roll singing soul or anything that rhymes,
Ballads, blues, blue swede shoes, all parts of our times,
Mu-sic to your ears,
Happy, Sad,
your in tears.

Gra-nd parents didn't like it not as good as theirs
Black bottom they got em,
Jazzzz, Skiffle folk and Rock;
Blu-u-u-u-es... B-BOP!
HOP! Hip hop! the top.

Where were you at the time,
when you were in your prime?
Left school, broke every rule,
played that music loud.

Fell in love, turtle dove,
soppy ballad song.
Baby due, pink or blue?
Memor-ies, cherish-es,
years fly by; Hey was it that long?

You may be old show your bold,
CO-O-OOOL, not cold,
Rock on John!
to every thing
that's here been and gone.

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