No Pressure, All Pleasure. Generation Gap Rap.

    There'd been a war
we were poor.
Hand me down
we didn't frown.
Not new; but clean.
No money, not mean.

Flat caps for lads,
one of dads.
Girls in mums skirt,
Boys in dads shirt.
Violins? Its sad?
No not that bad.

No pleasure?
No pressure!
Make do and mend,
No up to date trend.
A stitch in time,
saved Mam nine.

No pressure,
all pleasure!
Grew our own food,
it tasted good.

No credit,
No debit.
We didn't complain,
No cars, just a bus, sometimes a train.

Grew up, its Rock,
parents in shock.
Rock and Roll,
Blues and all that jazz.
Punk and other razzmatazz.

Young no more,
Grim Reaper rapping on the door.
Today we have Rap,
I'm in a generation gap.
Left behind without a map.

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