Daddies Gone. A Country and Western Song; Well, sort of.

My Marmy brought me up alone,
I never met Daddy, he had gone.
Oh, how my mammy really does miss,
a cuddle off daddy, or a sloppy kiss.

I went to jail and met Daddy there,
told him about Mammy, but he didn't care.
And it's all pure misery and thuggery in there.
But I could fight my own battles; I had no fear.

My doggy he died before I came out,
My lips are a trembling and a permanent pout.
I miss that old doggy, he was my friend,
now I feel more miserable my heart will not mend.

I met and fell for Mary Lou,
but her love for me was never true.
Me and my Mammy were once more alone,
my doggy has died and Mary Lou's gone.

Whilst in a saloon having a beer,
an ugly galoot gave me a glare.
I hit him hard and he hit me back,
A voice that sounded like mine yelled, 'hit him Jack!'

It was my Daddy cheering me on.
Some one said, 'is that your lad John?'
He proudly said 'Yes', and then clutched his chest,
he fell to the floor a tearing at his vest.

Misery, misery, life's just one long misery. 

Shit happens. 


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