Hip-Hop Rabbit Finds Fame.

Hip-Hop Rabbit hops all around,
and lives in his home deep down in the ground.
one day whilst out munching a root,
he heard a loud noise and decided to scoot.

He hid in a thorn bush and heard a boys voice
say, 'I love Rock and Roll, it's Hip, it's my choice.
Slung over his shoulder was a shiny guitar'
on which he twanged out a tune and sang, 'Lar, lar, lar.'

Hip-Hop thought, "What a wonderful sound."
He tapped his foot to the tune; on the ground.
Thumpitty thump, 'lar, lar, lar, lar.
I'm the most hip rabbit around here by far.

He sang and he danced all the way home,
and came across Norman the Gnome.
'Crikey!,' said Norman, 'what an unusual habit,
that's the first time I've seen a Rock and Roll Rabbit.'

Now Hip-Hop performs at Woodlands Hop every night,
where the animals dance in the hall, that's packed tight.
He has a stage name now that he is a star'
It's Swivel-Hip-Hop, the most hip rabbit...by far!



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