Dads' Rap pack

Come on Dads, here's the chance,
 join in with Dads Rap Pack Dance.
Wave your hands up in the air;
 Kids embarrassed? You don't care.

Jump around on spindly legs,
the blood will rush to those old pegs.
Do a roll, you know you can,
spin on the floor like a fresh air fan.

The Mother Rap Packers follow on,
fans of Walter, Fred & John.
Wear your flat cap back to front,
Your on the dancing partner hunt.

Now we've all got on the floor,
youngsters making for the door.
we don't care were having fun,
We are Dads Rap Packers son.

The pubs all ours now kids gone,
we'll have an old fashioned singalong.
Move your arms like a choo-choo train,
back to your childhood again.

Grab a partner, swing her round,
grab another as she falls to the ground.
Let your daft out, no one cares,
It's cos you have had had many beers.

Had a good Night? I think so;
in the morning you'll be feeling low.
Head is banging, embarrassed too,
it all floods back as you sit on the loo.

Lets Rap, Pack?  ENIT!

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