
Showing posts from 2014

Jacky My Verminator..

Staring eyes, twitching ears, a front paw off the ground. Head stuck forward, hackles up, sensing they're around. Ratty's hiding in long grass, Jacky knows he's there. Like a cobra, Jacky strikes, Rat squeals out in fear. That ones dead, more to kill, they scamper all around. Jacky kills them, though they hide, they are always found. I miss Jacky, that little dog; as fearless as could be. Now he's buried in the ground, beneath the old oak tree.

The Great Nature Show by John R Gill.

The Great Nature show. Leave your TV, Game Boy, PC and Wii, come with me, away from all modern triviality. Without plastic beams and plastic brass; in disco clubs with writhing mass.  Where birdsong is top of the charts and creatures have the starring parts. Hedgerow, stream, meadow and tree, make up the stage scenery. The curtain rises on part one  SPRING. Music arrives on feathered wing. Robin Hedge-sparrow, thrush, dipper, wren, are trilling in hedgerow, wood and glen. Skylarks liquid melody flows from high; crystal clear tune from clear blue sky. yellow hammer flutters among the trees, singing, 'little bit of bred and no - cheese. Squirrels and dormice in acrobatic acts, with death defying leaps, they land intact. In athletic games hares run and jump. Toe to toe,  they grunt, hiss and thump. The dipper curtsies and bobs enthusiastically. What a great show; and its all for free. The scenery changes w...

The Drunk Driver.

Drunken driver, at the wheel,  have fun  make tyres squeal. Drive at speed, Take no heed of signs and others around. Hit a curb, car air bound. Crashing, smashing, screaming, squealing! Horrendous noise, fear in the air. an electric shimmering atmosphere. Stunned onlookers. Silence. Running shouting, swearing! Horrified people caring. "What was he doing?" "This ones dead!" "Bandage that head!" Children, Parents crying. A day, lives ruined, Drunk staggering around confused, amongst dead wounded and dying. 'what have I done?' Sobering thought; not such fun.

Comedy and other Rhyming stories for children. Written by me John the Grimbarian and mad poet.

          Timothy Hedgehog Finds a Friend.  One day when the sun was shining, all the animals were at play. Timothy Hedgehog went to join them, but they nasty things shooed him away. 'Clear off!' They shouted rudely, 'your prickly and play too rough: Why can't you be like the rest of us, all cuddly and covered in fluff?' Poor Timothy went away tearfully, shuffling and snuffling along. He sat on a stone and had a good cry, then from somewhere a voice said, 'What's wrong?' 'Who said that?' asked Timothy, as he could not see anyone around. 'Your sitting on my house.' said the voice, that seemed to come from the ground. Timothy jumped up quickly, from what he thought was a stone, thinking to himself, "well it looks more like a stone than a home." Slowly out of each corner, appeared a very wrinkly leg, then just at slowly at one end, there appeared a thumb shaped wrinkled head. 'Who are you?' asked Tym...

laugh at life with gillie, 'SAD, BAD,AND BARKING MAD.' available on Kindle or KDP select.

laugh at life with gillie:  'SAD, BAD,AND BARKING MAD.' available on Kindle or KDP select. The Sad ones are the incompetent London Gangsters and their accountant who absconds with their money; The Bad ones are the Gangsters and the Barking Mad one is the Accountants Dog who he buys from a scrap yard for protection from the Gangsters who are on his trail as he hides in a Northern fishing town. Will his fisherman and ex army nephew get home from sea to come to his aid as he did in London; will he beat the gangsters with the aid of his new friends? Amongst them another sad person- Walter Mittie type character- who falsely claims to be Ex S A S special forces soldier and  amasses arms that he obtained from Russia with a promise to cause mayhem on the British Isles or suffer the consequences from the Russian secret services who frequent 'Codshaven' Docks in their Russian spy ships. Explosions, lies, torture, adventure, incompetent planning and hilarious errors.

The Downfall of a Cat Burgler.

The cat burglar, moved like a cat, a snoop a sneak, a trespassing freak. He came at night, gave people a fright, through window skylight, through anywhere tight. then, he had a sticky patch, in a fight, he found a match; not a cricket match; it was a cricket bat. No longer moving like a cat; The rat!

My Mongrel and Me

Me and my mongrel aren't pedigrees nothing special, bony knees. He has flees; What? Not me! Oh please! This mans best friend, That'll never end. Friends for life... Upset the wife. She spotted a louse, not let in the house. Got him clean; struggled in bath; he thinks I'm mean. Doesn't like wet; doesn't like Vet. Or cats; Likes cow pats. Loves a roll, on a smelly dead mole. I don't mind, were two of a kind. No pedigree, we're Mongrels you see? No heirs and graces; A mixture of races. Not interbred; old, healthy, not dead. Our genes are a mixture, were old, a permanent fixture. We'll go on for ever, birds of a feather. I love my dog, he thinks I'm a God.