
Showing posts from September, 2013

Three Raps, to shut yo trap if you think I'm on my last lap. :0).

I'm going to have a shout at rap, close this yawning generation gap. I'm 70 and  up for it. lets have a go, Yo! we'll strut our stuff in the hood, that's good. We have our soul,  and rock and roll Now live in this time, talk in rhyme, lets have a go; Yo! We all have our point of view, Now it's their time give them their due, let go, Yo! Come on you Dads, here's your chance strut your stuff take a stance shout at the pensioners rapping dance ... EN-IT! Come on Dads' now here's the chance,  join in with Dads' Rap Pack Dance. Wave your hands up in the air;  Kids embarrassed? You don't care. Jump around on spindly legs, the blood will rush to those old pegs. Do a roll, you know you can, spin on the floor like a fresh air fan. The Mother Rap Packers follow on, fans of Walter, Fred & John. Wear your flat cap back to front, Your on the dancing partner hunt. Now we've all got on the floor, youngsters makin...

NHS is in a mess? Living too long, Is that realy what's wrong?

The NHS is in a mess? Who's to blame? Guess! Is it me? I'm an oldie, Once called a 'Goldie Oldie', Respect is what they got, Not us lot. Living too long, that's what's wrong. Taking up beds? What fat heads! If we live long,  that can't be wrong. We done our bit, we're fit! We're not ill, bit over the hill. Not in Hospital,  Out in the Cold, Because were old. From cradle to grave, been through a war; brave! Paid our dues, Now we have Tory blues. Rich men, in shadow of Big Ben. Look after their own, put us in a home. We pay for our keep, whilst relatives weep. Massive bill, nothing left in the will. No hospital bed, No care! That's what I dread. Terminally ill? Pay your care bill. Hospitals for young, we're bottom of rung. Care on the cheap, Cash? Toffs keep. A country for hero's?